Rachel Nyberg's Website

Home from School 
We kept Rachel home from school since she's still a little sick. She's not that bad anymore but it's so cold out today!

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Rachel might be sick. She threw up a couple of times last night but she didn't have a fever or act like she felt bad. One of her night nurses had a stomach bug so she might have something.
Keep her in your prayers today, we kept her home from therapy because she looked a little crabbier than usual.

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Wednesday's Therapy 
Rachel had a great day in therapy today. Usually Luke has to leave because she thinks it's time to go so she won't do anything if he stays to watch therapy. She still did really well, she was talking up a storm in speech therapy. They would ask questions and she would seem to respond at the right times. She doesn't speak words but you can tell the intent is there. Sometimes it even sounds as if she's attempting a word that she wants to say. They asked if she liked daddy or mommy best and she said something that started with an "M" sound. They asked if daddy was pretty and she kind of said "Nah" but when they asked if daddy was handsome she made a more affirmative sound.
Then in PT she was just yelling/laughing when they played on the exercise ball. After she pulls her head forward she gets rewarded by getting rolled back and forth on the ball on her back while her therapist holds onto her legs. When she got to roll she was so excited and so LOUD! Luke said it was very cute. She was pretty crabby when it was time to get off of the ball. She was extra crabby and yelling at Bev when they did an exercise she didn't like on the swing. She also did great knocking down the blocks with her leg.

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